About Me

Hi Everyone and thanks so much for dropping by!

I’m a Software manager, father of four (two boys and two girls ages 19, 21, 23 & 29) and I’ve been married for 30 years! I love to write — opening worlds through fiction, clarifying truth & reality in politics, encouraging hope & joy in life, unraveling the mysteries of our faith, and refining culture & values in business. These are the five categories I write on and I pray I can be a little like Daniel bringing light, understanding and wisdom in order to help people see the truth — real clear. May the words I write give clarity and understanding, but even more, may they give hope and faith.

Please take the time to add a comment or say hi. I would love to hear from you!

Here’s a picture of my wife and I at a hotel in Hawaii (the Moana Surfrider) celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary:


God bless, Dean (Tucson, AZ)

10 comments on “About Me

  1. Hey Dean!

    Great blog site! I’m glad you are using your talents to get clear words out there (fitting title). Keep it up!


  2. Thanks Aaron for dropping by! Hopefully, my little blog will catch on gain a little traffic. I’ll keep at it for now and see how it goes… 🙂

  3. Dear Writer Friend,
    You were so kind to comment and request more information about time spent with my Emory University nephew (TheHighCalling). I love to enhance relationships with family and friends through sharing the word in print; love letters, “just because” or thinking of you note, jokes by mail, original stories and poems,a love quote on handmade paper, hand made bookmarks, and little books with big messages. There are also the walking together gifts, bookstore visits, driving-to-new-places-without-a-map-adventures. I try mightily to listen to the heart and explore natural delights; it is a long list that I make up as I go. Very simply it is the gift of presence, time, and appreciation. I hope this helps a little.

    Richest blessings,
    Olga Samples Davis

  4. Hey Dean, I like your blog! Sorry I have been so far out of touch, I am currently looking for a job (kind of looking) so I am not tied to my desk and computer as I was previously. You are a blessing to many, me included. Thank you for your encouraging words!

    ~Judy (Fyreseeker)

  5. Dean,

    Just read your Kenya report.

    Thank you for the blog information.

    Believing all is going well with you.

  6. Hi Dean,
    I’m so happy to have stumbled on your blog through the High Calling site. Your writing is wonderful and inspiring. You give us so much to think about. If you don’t mind, I will add it to my blogsite so others can find you.
    Thanks for sharing you talent and insights.

  7. Hi Dean,

    I love your blog; good writing and great photos of you, your lovely wife and children!
    Thanks for sharing with all of us —

  8. Hey there Dean,
    I left a message on the other part of your site about a dream that I had with the phrase 1000 Vaca Real leaving a very strong impression. I thought it was an address. I typed it into the internet and stumbled upon your website. Your website is very interesting and enlightening.
    Any comments on 1000 Vaca Real?

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